“Spears, not words.”

— Lucienne

Lucienne was born to be a knight. Her family never even considered any other paths for her. Leave the dresses and balls for women of other houses; a Leroux sits on a saddle at the vanguard. Bred as a soldier since the day she’s old enough to walk, Lucienne is well versed in all aspects of warfare, from scouring armor to grooming a destrier, even riding in a lance formation with the famed Leroux Cavalry. Her talent has gained her the favor of her uncle, the Legendary Ravager Severin Leroux. Sending her to House Levant was a decision made easy by the fact that Lord Severin is the brother-in-law of Count Alain Levant.

House Leroux is a military house respected and feared by other houses. Its leader, Severin Leroux, made his legend in the countless campaigns he’s been in over the span of two decades. Be it bandits, marauding beasts or even traitorous lords, Severin has fought them all and emerged the victor. House Leroux is famed for its Red Cavalry, a unit that rides in bright red armour atop powerful destriers. When danger threatens the land, it is House Leroux that is looked at to lead the charge.

In combat, Lucienne is a living fortress of shield and spear. She boasts the highest defence among all characters, which she uses not only to protect herself but also to shield others from harm. House Leroux does not breed knights in shining armours but trained killers who will do anything to win a battle. Lucienne’s secondary role as a Trickster describes her unconventional combat manoeuvres which lower enemies’ offensive capabilities, such as stunning with a shield bash or stabbing the legs to reduce speed. Combined with her Guardian abilities, Lucienne can really lock enemies down.